Sunday 29 May 2016

Review: Transformers Combiner Wars G2 Blackjack

Here we have Blackjack from the G2 Menasor Combiner Wars Set. He is the same as the previous release except now in G2 colors.

He is molded in purple and blue to match the G2 Motormaster colors.

It comes with this big axe type weapon which looks pretty neat. Lots of details on this.

He has lots of great looking details on this small figure. The G2 symbol is on this right shoulder.

Some of the proportions look a little off, as the thighs and forearms are quite skinny and the chest plate is quite thick.  There is a weird little back gap in the abs. The feet also look a bit small.
The backpack is quite small which is awesome. One great thing about this figure is that it doesn't have a lot of kibble and it makes good use of the car parts.

The head can turn all the way around but cannot look up or down.
The arms can spin all the way around and outwards at 90. The elbows bend 90 degrees forward and and swivels at the elbow but no wrist swivel.
It has no waist swivel, and the legs go 100 degrees forward, and blocked going backwards by the backpack. Knee bends 90 degrees and swivel because they are ball joints.It has no articulation on the feet it is molded into the leg.

Here he is in car mode. And it looks pretty fantastic. The blue is a little bright for my tastes but it still looks good.  He is supposed to represent the Motormaster's roller car that he had in the G1 toy.  There is a small G2 Symbol is on the hood. Looking at the car it looks like it has posts for a spoiler but no spoiler there. I guess this axe piece is supposed to be the spoiler with an integrated cannon for the roof.

Check out my G2 Menasor review and the other figures of the G2 Menasor.

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