Saturday 26 December 2015

Review: Cyberverse Legion Topspin

We will look at the Cyberverse Legion Class Topspin from the Dark of the Moon movie.

In vehicle mode he is Jimmie Johnson's Lowe's Number 48 NASCAR Stock car. It doesn't have all the guns and weapons attached to it like in the movie. It is a licensed model, so it does have the Chevy, Lowe's and the microscopic NASCAR Sprint logos printed on it. The details are pretty good for this size of toy.
It is mostly molded in dark blue, and it has lots of white paint on it. because of the high contrast white paint, the seam lines are very obvious.

It is about the same size as the other legends transformers vehicles at 7.5cm long. And looks to be in scale with hotwheels cars. You can see him next to the deluxe figure, and a 1:24 scale smokescreen.

To transform, just pull out the spoiler to reveal the feet and then open the top of the car. He is indeed a 2 step shellformer.

He looks ok, but the shell of the car makes him look like he has wings. His body is molded in silver plastic and has painted on blue robot hair and a stamped autobot logo on his right leg. His crotch is molded in black. On the back you see the entire shell of the car on his arms.

Articulation wise, he has an elbow joint and his left claw opens. He has ankle pivot from the transformation and has some ball jointed hips.

He is in scale with other legends class toys at around 7.5cm tall. Here next to legends nemisis prime, Movie Deluxe Bumblebee and deluxe snarl.

This isn't the best figure in this line of figures. The details in the car and robot mode is good, but the glaring fault is the giant shell he has to carry on his arms. If the shell folded up just a little bit it would look a lot better.

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