Wednesday 30 December 2015

Review: Mega Bloks Barbie Pet Beach Boardwalk

We have the Barbie themed Pet Beach Boardwalk building set from Mega Bloks.

From the box, this set looks fantastic. It looks very colorful, and seem to have lots of figures and accessories.The amount of blockiness is small as it looks to have large custom molded set pieces and is reflected with the piece count of only 253 pieces.

As with a lot of Mega Bloks sets, the sets tend to be focused on playability over buildability. So once it is built, it is mostly used as a playset and not really intended to be taken apart to build other things with it.

After completing this set, I must say this one looks great. The colors are eye popping, and the amount of details in this set is very good.

Here is Barbie in her jetski. It consists of only a few large custom parts and a few stickers. Barbie herself looks good. She fit on her little stand here so she doesn't fall over when standing on a table. The accessory in her hair can be changed with all the other extra hair accessories that are compatible with the 1mm hole.

The shops are modular and the insides are not snapped in. They just come out like this.
Here is the sweets shop with 2 bunnies waiting for customers. They have 2 cupcakes and 2 icecream cones.

In the photo studio, we have a poodle sitting on the sofa ready to have her pictures taken by this camera. The poodle also has a 1mm hole for interchangeable hair accessories.
And lastly there is the clothing store, this one has a hat, 2 dresses  that are on these removable hangers and some hair accessories..

You can take these dresses and use them on Barbie. You just need to take the dress, remove barbies legs and put the dress on. The hat can also go on Barbie, but it isn't really secure and tends to fall off. The hat has 2 holes in it to put in accessories.

There are quite a few accessories in this set, like this glass of pink lemonade that she can hold.
Lets take a look at this set, there are all kinds of little details here like this crab, seaweed, starfish, seashell, and even a bucket and a brush if you want your dolls to scrub the floors. There are these deck chairs by the pool, a lifesaver, and some signs with some stickers on it.

The background for the shops are printed on plastic cards and are removable and very detailed. You can replace these with your own printed backgrounds if you like.

The swimming pool is water tight, so you can fill it up with water and play with your figures that way.

As nentioned before, there are other shops that are sold separately that you can add to your playset which makes it even bigger.

Overall this is a great set if your kids like to play with miniature dollhouse playsets like polly pocket littlest pet shop or lego friends. Although there isn't much rebuildability it is still fun to play with all the figures, pets and accessories. This set is a little expensive at full price, but they usually go on sale quite frequently.

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