Thursday 28 January 2016

Review: Transformers Combiner Wars G2 Voyager Silverbolt Review

Here we have Silverbolt from the G2 Superion Combiner Wars Set. He is the same as the previous release except now in G2 colors.

He is mostly molded in Blue and red with silver and black highlights. He has a G2 symbol on his
chest. He is the most blockiest transformers I have seen in a while. With his arms straight down he will look like a rectangular block. A cubic head doesn't help.
There are lots of molded details on this figure which is great. the hip pins are visible where most other transformers will have a skirt to cover this up. The legs are very huge.
On the side you can see the 5mm port on his arm and the huge backpack. He basically carries the entire airplane on his back but because of his robot size, it doesn't look that bad.
You can plug some guns in the 5mm holes on his back to store it

The head can turn all the way around, and can look up and down a bit.
The ratcheting arms can spin all the way around and can move out at 90.
It has 90 degree elbows and a bicep swivel. No swivel wrist though.
Also no waist joint.
Ratcheting hips move the leg forward 90 degrees, but cannot move back because of the airplane kibble. Knees bend 135 degrees but also blocked by the kibble. It can come out at 90 degrees and it has a thigh swivel. His toes can point downwards but ankle rockers

Size Comparison
He is about 18cm tall to the top of his head.Here he is next to Firefly, deluxe bumblebee and leader megatron.

Here he is in his jet mode. He is an modified blue Concorde supersonic jet and it looks pretty awesome from the top. You can point the nose downwards to simulate the actual Concorde look. Most of the robot kibble is covered from the top due to the oversized wings. The paint applications are fairly minimal, but for some reason the body of the plane is painted in shiny pearly blue paint but the wings are not so it does look out of place. The panel lines and molded in windows gives it additional details. This has a wingspan of 15cm and a length of 23cm so this makes it an approximate 1:250 scale model if you don't mind the short proportions.

Now on the bottom is another story. You can see the entire robot body on the bottom. The robot is not very hidden at all and it is very apparent what this robot looks like. It is so bad that I wouldn't even call it a shellformer, it is like a robot doing yoga with a plane attached to his back.  They did give it some landing gear on the front and back for details if you want to consider that. It has two 5mm ports on the front to attach the big gun, This adds a giant cannon to your passenger plane and replaces your front landing gear. You can also attach guns to the exposed fists on the sides.

If you like this review, please subscribe and leave a comment. Be sure to check out my other videos of the figures in the Superion G2 set.

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