Thursday 28 January 2016

Review: Transformers G2 Air Raid Combiner Wars Review

Here we have Air Raid from the G2 Superion Combiner Wars Set. He is the same as the previous release except now in G2 colors.

He is mostly molded in white and blue with silver highlights. He has a tiny little G2 symbol on his left shoulder as there isn't much space to place a larger one. There are lots of little molded in details that stand out on his silver torso, but it is hard to see on the white parts. The feet are stubby just like Skydive.  This figure is the only one from superion that has a 5mm port on the arm.

The backpack is smaller than the other aerial bots since it folds up. he entire cockpit and nose is seen from the back.

The head can turn all the way around, and can look up and down a little bit.
The arms can spin all the way around and can move out at 90, but the shoulders get caught on the torso. It has a double jointed shoulder that can move down a bit which gives it a greater range of movement. Elbows bend forward 90 , a bicep swivel and  It has no wrist swivel.
It has a waist swivel, and the legs go 90 degrees forward, and backwards and knees at 90 degrees.
They come out almost 90 degrees and has a thigh swivel. No articulation on the stubby feet as it is molded into the leg.

Size Comparison
He is about 13cm tall to the top of his head.Here he is next to voyager Silverbolt, deluxe bumblebee and leader megatron.

Here he is in his jet mode. He is an blue F-14 Tomcat figher jet and it looks great. This has a wingspan of 10.5cm and a length of 14cm so this makes it an approximate 1:110 scale model. The large robot arms are covered from the top unlike Skydive .
This is his G2 paint job so he has the G2 symbol, red hatch pattern and the number 2 on his wing and tailfin. There are lots of panel lines on this jet and looks awesome. The upper tailfins are made out of softer plastic.

On the bottom, you see the bulky robot parts just like almost every airplane transformer in existance. It does not have any landing gear in this mode. There are also these silver missiles which are detailed and look awesome.

You can put guns on the 5mm hole on the top of the plane. Or you can put it on the wing which make it look strange with the hollow gun. Or you can put it on the arms, so it looks super weaponized but there is no way those wings will lift this bulk.

The wings can open but you can see wing gaps and robo arms in this mode.

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